Kely picture

Hi, I am Kely!

A Fullstack developer from Switzerland. Passionate about creating frontends and learning about new technologies.



Metroidvania.GG Frontend

A React frontend for my passion project called Metroidvania.GG. My first ever project with React which I regularly update.

Finance App Frontend

A Challenge from A finance management app. You can create budgets, pots and oversee your transactions.

Kanban Taskmanager

A Challenge from A Taskmanagement app. You can create multiple boards, columns, tasks and subtasks to organise your projects.

Metroidvania.GG Backend (Django)

A Django project that is currently used as the backend of Metroidvania.GG. Provides multiple api endpoints for the frontend to fetch data.

Metroidvania.GG Backend (Laravel)

A recreation of the Django backend, but in Laravel instead. Provides the same api endpoints. Currently WIP because I plan to migrate to this from my Django backend.

Space Tourism

A Challenge from A simple website with interactive elements and informational content about space travel.

Helldivers 2 Randomizer

A app that I made for my friends and me. It will give you a random loadout for the videogame Helldivers 2!

Calculator App

A small but neat calculator app made with Svelte. Not really enough to "learn" Svelte, but at least I have a basic understanding of how it works.

My Portfolio

My Portfolio website. A good opportunity to explore and learn some new technologies I haven't used before.