My Portfolio
Stack used: Astro-Tailwind CSS-Vercel
Short description
Some developers create their portfolio website with a page builder or a cms. I went for the other route where I took it as an opportunity to explore some more technologies I have not used before. Especially the Astro Framework is something I wanted to take a deeper look. It’s a rather up-and-coming framework and so far I have only heard good things about it. So I wanted to try it myself and see what the fuss is about. Turns out Astro is indeed a very cool framework for creating fast content driven websites!
First major project I used Astro and Tailwind. I learned to some of the basics of Astro and Tailwind:
- Astro components.
- Astro layouts.
- Astro Page router.
- Astro Content Collections.
- Tailwind basics.